First and foremost I am a follower of Christ, nothing outside of Jesus. My name is Ashley and I am the blessed owner and creative behind Grace Upon Cakes. In 2015 my life was meaningless, and I was lost, addicted to drugs and in a hopeless place, God found me and made my life a beautiful song that I love to sing. Humbly recognizing that any talent He has given me is to be multiplied for His glory I sought God in prayer for an answer as to whether I should takes cakes on professionally, and God said yes! Grace Upon Cakes is a name that was given to me after much seeking, a play off of the bible verse John 1:16 "And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace.". It has been a wild ride, and yes, there are days that I want to run away from the process, and days I wish it would all come easier, but I am so amazed at what God is doing and I know greater is yet to come. I love Weddings, and celebrating life, I love anniversaries and special hoo-rahs! We need more celebration in this age, and I live to be a part of the great joys of being a human, a human filled, and followed by Grace. <3 - Ash